Sorry it's been quite some time since my last update, but we've been trying to live as normal of a life as possible in between surgeries. Isla is now 4 days shy of turning 10 months old, and she a firecracker! She has so much spunk and character, that I can already tell she's going to keep me on my toes for the rest of my life. And despite all that she's already been through, she is one of the happiest little girls I've ever seen. My heart is breaking and dreading her upcoming surgery in 2.5 weeks. But...this should be the last one for a few years, so I am looking forward to getting it behind us.

This next surgery that she will have, will be to repair her palate. Right now, she has a quarter size slit down the middle of the roof of her mouth and her soft palate is pretty much non existent (the part where your punching back hangs from). I'm really not looking forward to this repair at all, but it is necessary for speech and eating purposes.
I will keep everyone posted as time goes on...but just wanted to let everyone know to keep her in your prayers over the coming weeks.
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